In no particular order....
The Sweetcorn
Cucino (snack size) cucumbers
The "normal" cucumbers after only 7 days
Butternut Squash - 7 days old!
The Garlic "Provance" on plot 121
The Onions on 121 - all weed free
Asparagus Bed
One of many asparagus spears (2nd year)
The Strawberry Bed on 121
The weed free Onions(to the right) and Garlic (to the left) with Maincrop potatoes to the far left - all on Plot 121
Today 2010
April 2009
April 2008
Cable Tie repairs on my bicycle basket
The Hot Chilli Peppers
The Tomatoes have grown really big - wil need potting on again soon
The dwarf french beans have decided to make an appearance