Wednesday 24 August 2011

Thankfully no more blisters today....

The first thing that I had to do was to lift the strawberry plants from bed 2 and put them in what was the raised bed from plot 121.....

I found that a few split so I put them in separately in the hope that they will take, so this is the finished Strawberry bed, which I have covered in netting.

 Thankfully the rain did it's thing and I was able to fork over the old path area on both sides of raised bed 2.  It was still hard work but I thought it would be more beneficial to loosen up the areas that had only the other day been pathways!

As you can see, with little effort the ends started to come away, that's how bad it was getting.

I managed to get the sides and the lengths of wood away from the stakes and leaving the top end in place, I stored the wood neatly as they may come in useful. So here you see the frame work removed.   Wow that space is already looking huge and like fantastic growing space. 
 I must say, the soil is very very nice and will only need a little TLC this year.

You can see here, how badly rotten the stakes had become!!

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