Sunday 27 July 2008

Twirly to the rescue and other goings on.......

This is our lovely Site Rep - Carl. He was telling me that his cabbages were being attacked by the dastardly pigeons (that word "pigeons" always brings Manuel from Fawlty Tower to mind!!) and he asked to borrow my Twirly - well how could I say no? My Twirly went to the rescue and I hope it is doing a good job. Needless to say, Carl didn't get away scot free - I made him pose for a picture.
On Saturday, I met Susan at plot 142 and she had a brainwave - yes, she was sitting down at the time and despite being hot and perspiring (us ladies don't sweat you know!) she actually came up with a good one........
These are the tree stumps from the new wood chip pile that has recently appeared on our allotments to share and in this wood chip pile is an assortment of stumps which we fashioned into little stools (we plopped them down ha ha) just in front of Tatty. It's a great spot as it's in the shade, so when we need a well earned rest, we now have our own seating area with a lovely view - the other plots!
Now to Plot 144 - the moment you have all been waiting for.........
Just a quick reminder of where we left of last time (see picture)
Yes, this is 144 on Thursday / Friday after the Bramble Fairy Derek did his thing......

And this was my layout for my new pea bed - I got stuck in and made progress, however Derek saw what I was planning and had his own ideas - as you can see below....

Yes. The pea bed grew and grew and before I knew it, I had a HUGE amount of space to be getting on with. Derek showed me how to get the roots out, and not the stones as they are good for drainage (apart from if you want to grow carrots that it!) After a few hours of raking, scraping, piling up roots and clearing, this is what happened !

Yes, the peas went in, thanks to Nigel opening up the shop and supplying me with the necessary materials for the job, then next to them went some sunflowers (can you tell that I LOVE sunflowers???) and then in went an Aubergine plant, which I bought from the garden centre. I then had the brainwave of moving my pepper plants across from 142 as they would get more sun in 144, so I did that and lastly I put in a row of pinks which Derek kindly gave me which will help make it all look pretty. I then put a little corner fencing in, but I think I need to mallet the posts in a little more!!

1 comment:

Mrs Jones said...

Your Derek sounds like an angel in disguise!! My tomatoes are also at about the same stage as yours. I'm also hoping to be able to take on more space at the allotments next Spring - fingers crossed...