Sunday 25 May 2008

More from 144 - Runner Bean Wigwam goes up!

On Friday, I emailed Nigel, as I wanted to order some canes for the newly dug Runner Bean bed. It went something like this.......

"Do you have any 8ft canes and a step ladder in stock?"
"No, sorry, I only have 10ft canes left but I will help you to tie the tops up"
This was very welcome news as I am 5ft and he is probably double that again - well that's what it looks like from down here anyway!
So, Saturday morning arrives and I go down to the lotty at around 9.30am. I start weeding the beds on plot 142 which seems to be a re occurring task! I weeded bed 2 which is where I have just planted the tomatoes (see the post - "Read all about it - my 1st radishes") which is the same bed that has the Sweet Pea Wigwam, Onions & Marigolds.
At around 10am, Nigel opens shop, so I go to see him to buy my canes
Fortunately he has found some 8ft canes (not 10ft) but still offers to tie the top for me!
This is my shopping list
  • Canes
  • Bag of manure compost
  • Bag of Multi Purpose compost

I return with my goods - with the help of Derek and his barrow, and dig in the manure compost - OH - what a smell - a lovely lovely smell!! Apparently it was smelt half way down the road!

Nigel arrives with his cable ties and 2 bits of cane (about 2 ft each) tied together in a cross formation. Down that went on the ground and Nigel expertly and swiftly put the wigwam together. I just stood there and watched in amazement.

Hey presto - There it is - ready for some Runner Beans, and here are some I prepared earlier

I only put 6 lots in, as I have some beans that George (the laughing Jamaican) gave me which are at home in pots in the coldframe - hopefully germinating.

He also gave me some Cobra????? Beans - (never heard of them) which I am also germinating, but this means another Wig Wam - "Nigel - I need your help again"

I spent more time on 142, digging up the weeds, earthing up the maincrops, tidying around the place and left around mid day. Hubby & I are looking for some new garden furniture, so we went of to the deepest darkest depths of Surrey to try and find what we were after. Unfortunately we didn't find what we were looking for but I did manage to finally find a ladybird house, which I have been looking for, for ages. It is supposed to encourage ladybirds to the area and provide them with accomodation / housing.

I therefore returned later on to water 142 and to put the ladybird house in (picture to follow - sorry I forgot) I had a lovely chat with Mavis who shared some more of her "vegetable growing tips" with me. Poor Mavis is fighting a loosing battle with her weeds in her strawberry beds, that she only weeded about 6 weeks ago, but the devils are back with a vegance. I need'nt have bothered watering as it's been raining here since about 2am and I dont think it's stopped !


Mrs Lady Scarecrow (temporary name) is looking FAB. A few finishing touches are all that is needed now - and a name of course, so please keep your suggestions coming via the comments please. I have some great ones from all over so far, as far away as the USA!

And finally......

The multi purpose compost was for a plastic trough that I bought to put some herbs in. Mavis very effectively pierced the drainage holes with her very sharp pronged fork! Thank you Mavis. So in the trough I put Rosemary & Mint (bought from the shop) and some Basil, Corriander & Chives which I grew from seed. The trough is now a the end of Bed 2 and looks great there as it's just the right size!

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