Saturday 10 July 2010

Onions & Garlic have finished sunbathing!

After a week of basking in the sun on plot 121, my garlic and onions were ready to bring home, so I took my trusty bike trailer with me as I knew that I wouldn't be able to carry 20 plastic bags of them back!

A few of the onions still need some drying out, but I took these back anyway and they are now drying in the back garden.

As you can see, by the time I lifted the garlic into the trailer there was room for little else!

Once home the onions were strung up & will hand in the sun for a day.


I did try to plait the garlic but after a few dozen failed attempts and getting frustrated in the 30 degree heat I strung them up in the same fashion as the onions!

I also have about 2 dozen Onion & Garlic bulbs that were not suitable for stringing up,so these were trimmed and put in bowl in the kitchen, to be used first and handy for cooking!

1 comment:

Damo said...

They look great, I'll be happy if I get half a dozen like that this year!