Saturday, 23 August 2008

Runner Beans & Shark Fin Melons......

I popped down to the Lotty last night, to water my plot, as the weather forecast for Saturday is "dry & with sunny spells!" so just in case they get it right for a change, I thought that I had better be prepared, like the good Girl Guide that remains in me!
Whilst I was there I noticed a monster RUNNER BEAN - yes - its a whopping 37cm's long
Wow - I couldn't believe it when I saw it and pictured it for you next to a regular lighter, just to give you an idea of it's size.
I picked the other runner beans that had grown to a good size, blanched them and froze them, so the freezer is now stocked with home grown Peas, Brocolli & Runner Beans.

Now here is another WHOPPER - this is a Shark Fin Melon that John grew. John has been suffering from a bad back, so I offered to cut it for him, as it was on the ground, and bending might have put his back out. So I braved the jungle of leaves that you see in the picture and went in with trusty pen knife and did the deed.

As this is a savoury melon, he said that he would like to stuff it, so I told him where to find my Stuffed Marrow Recipe from Malta, and he said he would give it a try!

It will be great to hear how it turned out and if he enjoyed it!


dinzie said...

Savouiry Melon ... Must give that a try :O)

Anonymous said...

I've started to grow runners this year and they are as bad as courgettes for growing fast. Some of mine are so long you could use them as swords for fencing!

john and nic said...

I like to leave my runners on for a couple of days, iv never seen anything grow so fast. We have cantaloup melons growing and I hope they get as big as the one you've pictured.