Saturday 23 April 2011

A little bit of weeding....

Yes, I weeded my cauliflowers & cabbages - I built a triangular cage from what was left over of the Build A Ball equipment as the snow damaged a lot of it, but I am pleased with the end result!  Perfect for what's in there now and the addition of a few pak choi at a later stage.  I am not going to do Brussels or Broccoli this year you see, so I don't need a tall contraption.

 As you can see I got weeding in between the onion, all along the broad beans and down, back & in between on 2 rows of peas.  It all looks SO much smarter now and I am really pleased with my achievements today, considering I had Junior with me.

My greenhouse is "heaving".  I had a good POT clearout yesterday, which gave me some space & I also brought home some of the seedling trays that I have been taking down there from the utility room.  This allowed me space for my 18 tomato plants - 6 of each, Roma, MoneyMaker & cherry, all of which have now outgrown my coldframe in the back garden!

I will take pictures of the green house tomorrow as I have lots going on in there but didn't have the time to photograph today.

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