The other Pumpkin (2 of 2) has now got alot more room now that the 2nd Earlies have all been dug up
The Peas are fattening nicely - and "yes" I did pick one and eat it all to myself!
It was heavenly - so sweet and lush and more, I want more!
Heres another picture of the Cerise - you can just see some little ones in the background begining to ripen too - how exciting!
These are the pea plants that I put in last weekend - all doing well & as you can see Derek has been digging for me again - bless his little cotton socks!
Ah - my runner beans - they are finally coming along quite nicely - I will have a batch of beans weeks after everyone elses have finished I think
And last but not least is the Tomato that has grown an arm - it is bigger than a tennis ball now & I can't wait for it to ripen so I can slice it up, drizzle it with a very good extra virgin olive all, add a little freshly crushed sea salt and some fresh basil leaves. Mmmmm. Yummy.
Another reason for my recent lack of postings apart from the weather, is that I have been asked to set up a blog for our Allotments! What an honour. I have dived whole heartly into the task and it's nearly there! Once it is published, which should be in the next day or two (just awaiting approval from the Committee) you can view it here - SRAGS (Stanley Road Allotment Garden Society) I am just grateful that we aren't located in Stanley Lane, otherwise it would have been called SLAGS !! haha.
Till next time, I hope you have enjoyed the latest posting.
Toodle pip for now everyone.
Everything is doing very well.Makes all the hard work worth while.Your brassicas are all very neat and upright, mine are all leaning all over the place so I'll have to stake them soon.
It all looks so delicious! That 64 degree weather must be nice too, it is 90 something here and we are about to be hit by a hurricane. Everything should be fine though, I just have to carry all of my plants inside which I am dreading.
Hi everyone!
Easygardener - it's beginers luck I am sure of it!
Lets Plant - hello USA! 64 degrees would be ok if it stopped raining for a few hours. I hope your plants and garden survive the hurricane. think of the gym fees you'll save carrying all those plants around!!
Hi everyone!
Easygardener - it's beginers luck I am sure of it!
Lets Plant - hello USA! 64 degrees would be ok if it stopped raining for a few hours. I hope your plants and garden survive the hurricane. think of the gym fees you'll save carrying all those plants around!!
Gardening music...just sat here listening to "Here Comes the Sun" - sadly I remember hearing the album (in the Cellar Club in Charing Cross Road, London) when it first came out, way back in 1969. Ho hum.
Anyway, your brassicas look a lot better than mine, though we did manage our first bubble and squeak of the season tonight (I ate too much). I love the allotment tomatoes so much that I eat them straight off the vine...mmm. My peas are wimps - the merest breath of wind and they snap off at the base (despite being given netting to cling to). But I have a year's worth of beans coming along, and the potatoes are digging up nicely.
You are doing very well!
Wow, everything's looking so good at the allotment. The pumpkins are something to be proud of!Loved the photos!
Out here there's been a lot of rain so it's still all slush and I'm sticking to my potted plants and not venturing on the wet,wet slush!
Best blog I'be been to in a long time!!! Love the gardening and music to go with it. Keep up the wonderful work.
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