......protected & loved, but now I have done the dastardley thing and taken them from the sanctity & warmth of the lovely cold frame and taken them to the lotty!
My first little seedlings to be planted out.
Red Trug full of essentials
wind up radio
mobile phone & camera
carrots seedlings
flask of tick tock tea (my present favourite)
small watering can
So back came the covers on Bed #1 and in went some onion sets to start with. I used my giant ruler to get the spacings right, and put in 1/2 a row (1/2 of the raised bed length). Then the carrots went in - again, using the giant ruler for spacing.
This sequence continued until it looked like this:
Time was getting on, and I got chatting with Nigel - the chap who runs the shop and who is kindly ordering in some brassica rings for me! It was getting cold now as the sun was going down, but I was rewarded with this beautiful sunset .......
And finally - the polytunnel went over the carrots for the night - I will go and check on them a bit later on, I am sure they are fine, but I will just have to quell my curiosity! The polytunnel will stay on until the risk of bad frosts have passed. I then have some netting to put around them to protect from carrot fly.
My next plantings in that bed (the lower half where you can just still see the black ground cover sheeting) will be Parsnips, interplanted with radish and some beetroots, which I have in seed form and will be planted directly outside.
That's it for today's update of what happened yesterday - tune in again soon........
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